Source code for soroush_python_sdk.soroush_python_sdk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""
import requests
import sseclient
import json
import os
from time import sleep

[docs]class Client: HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'Application/json', 'Accept': 'Application/json'} BASE_URL = '' GET_MESSAGE_URL = '/getMessage' SEND_MESSAGE_URL = '/sendMessage' DOWNLOAD_FILE_URL = '/downloadFile/' UPLOAD_FILE_URL = '/uploadFile' RETRY_DELAY = 10 def __init__(self, token): self.token = token
[docs] def get_upload_file_url(self): if not self.token: raise ValueError('Invalid bot token') return self.BASE_URL + self.token + self.UPLOAD_FILE_URL
[docs] def get_download_file_url(self, file_url): if not self.token: raise ValueError('Invalid bot token') if not file_url: raise ValueError('Invalid file url') return self.BASE_URL + self.token + self.DOWNLOAD_FILE_URL + file_url
[docs] def get_messages(self): if not self.token: raise ValueError('Invalid bot token') url = self.BASE_URL + self.token + self.GET_MESSAGE_URL while True: response = requests.get(url, stream=True) if 'Content-Type' in response.headers: client = sseclient.SSEClient(response) for event in try: message_event = json.loads( yield message_event except Exception as e: print(e.args[0]) continue else: print('Invalid bot token OR Invalid connection response from server') sleep(self.RETRY_DELAY)
[docs] def send_message(self, post_data): if not self.token: raise ValueError('Invalid bot token') url = self.BASE_URL + self.token + self.SEND_MESSAGE_URL post_data = json.dumps(post_data, separators=(',', ':')) try: response =, post_data, headers=self.HEADERS) if response: response_json = json.loads(response.text) if 'resultCode' in response_json: if response_json['resultCode'] == 200: return [False, 'OK'] else: if 'resultMessage' in response_json: return [response_json['resultMessage'], False] else: return ['Unknown Error', False] else: return ['Invalid Response', False] else: return ['Invalid Request', False] except Exception as e: return [e.args[0], False]
[docs] def send_text(self, to, text, keyboard=None): post_data = { 'type': 'TEXT', 'to': to, 'body': text, } if keyboard is not None: post_data['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_message(post_data)
[docs] def send_file(self, to, body, file_name, file_type, file_url, file_size, extra_params={}): post_data = { 'to': to, 'body': body, 'type': 'FILE', 'fileName': file_name, 'fileType': file_type, 'fileUrl': file_url, 'fileSize': file_size } for key, value in extra_params.items(): post_data[key] = value return self.send_message(post_data)
[docs] def send_image(self, to, image_file_url, image_file_name, image_file_size, image_width=0, image_height=0, thumbnail_file_url=None, caption='', keyboard=None): image_file_type = 'IMAGE' extra_params = { 'imageWidth': 0, 'imageHeight': 0, 'thumbnailUrl': '' } if int(image_width) and int(image_height): extra_params['imageWidth'] = int(image_width) extra_params['imageHeight'] = int(image_height) if thumbnail_file_url: extra_params['thumbnailUrl'] = str(thumbnail_file_url) if keyboard is not None: extra_params['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_file(to, caption, image_file_name, image_file_type, image_file_url, image_file_size, extra_params)
[docs] def send_gif(self, to, image_file_url, image_file_name, image_file_size, image_width=0, image_height=0, thumbnail_file_url=None, caption='', keyboard=None): gif_file_type = 'GIF' extra_params = { 'imageWidth': 0, 'imageHeight': 0, 'thumbnailUrl': '' } if int(image_width) and int(image_height): extra_params['imageWidth'] = int(image_width) extra_params['imageHeight'] = int(image_height) if thumbnail_file_url: extra_params['thumbnailUrl'] = str(thumbnail_file_url) if keyboard is not None: extra_params['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_file(to, caption, image_file_name, gif_file_type, image_file_url, image_file_size, extra_params)
[docs] def send_video(self, to, video_file_url, video_file_name, video_file_size, video_duration_in_milliseconds, video_width=0, video_height=0, thumbnail_file_url=None, caption='', keyboard=None): video_file_type = 'VIDEO' extra_params = { 'thumbnailWidth': 0, 'thumbnailHeight': 0, 'thumbnailUrl': '', 'fileDuration': video_duration_in_milliseconds } if int(video_width) and int(video_height): extra_params['imageWidth'] = int(video_width) extra_params['imageHeight'] = int(video_height) if thumbnail_file_url: extra_params['thumbnailUrl'] = str(thumbnail_file_url) if keyboard is not None: extra_params['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_file(to, caption, video_file_name, video_file_type, video_file_url, video_file_size, extra_params)
[docs] def send_voice(self, to, voice_file_url, voice_file_name, voice_file_size, voice_duration_in_milliseconds, caption='', keyboard=None): voice_file_type = 'PUSH_TO_TALK' extra_params = { 'fileDuration': voice_duration_in_milliseconds } if keyboard is not None: extra_params['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_file(to, caption, voice_file_name, voice_file_type, voice_file_url, voice_file_size, extra_params)
[docs] def send_location(self, to, latitude, longitude, caption='', keyboard=None): post_data = { 'type': 'LOCATION', 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'to': to, 'body': caption } if keyboard is not None: post_data['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_message(post_data)
[docs] def send_attachment(self, to, file_url, file_name, file_size, caption='', keyboard=None): file_type = 'ATTACHMENT' extra_params = {} if keyboard is not None: extra_params['keyboard'] = keyboard return self.send_file(to, caption, file_name, file_type, file_url, file_size, extra_params)
[docs] def change_keyboard(self, to, keyboard): post_data = { 'type': 'CHANGE', 'keyboard': keyboard, 'to': to } return self.send_message(post_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def make_keyboard(keyboard_data): keyboard = [] if isinstance(keyboard_data, str): rows = keyboard_data.split('\n') for row in rows: row_keyboard = [] row_buttons = row.split('|') for button in row_buttons: if button == '': continue row_keyboard.append( { 'text': button, 'command': button } ) if row_keyboard: keyboard.append(row_keyboard) elif isinstance(keyboard_data, list): for row_data in keyboard_data: row_keyboard = [] for row_button_data in row_data: button_data = [] if isinstance(row_button_data, str): button_data = { 'text': row_button_data, 'command': row_button_data } elif isinstance(row_button_data, list): if len(row_button_data) == 1: button_data = { 'text': row_button_data[0], 'command': row_button_data[0] } elif len(row_button_data) == 2: button_data = { 'text': row_button_data[0], 'command': row_button_data[1] } elif isinstance(row_button_data, dict): if 'text' in row_button_data: if 'command' in row_button_data: button_data = { 'text': row_button_data['text'], 'command': row_button_data['command'] } else: button_data = { 'text': row_button_data['text'], 'command': row_button_data['text'] } if len(button_data): row_keyboard.append(button_data) if len(row_keyboard): keyboard.append(row_keyboard) return keyboard
[docs] def download_file(self, file_url, save_file_path): if not self.token: raise ValueError('Invalid bot token') if not save_file_path: raise ValueError('Invalid path for saving file') if not file_url: raise ValueError('Invalid file url') try: response = requests.get(self.get_download_file_url(file_url)) if response.status_code == 200: try: response_json = json.loads(response.text) return [response_json['resultMessage'], False] except: pass with open(save_file_path, 'wb') as file: file.write(response.content) return [False, save_file_path] else: return ['Bad Response: ' + str(response.status_code) + ' status code', False] except Exception as e: return [e.args[0], False]
[docs] def upload_file(self, file_path): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise ValueError('Invalid file') try: file = {'file': open(file_path, 'rb')} response =, files=file) if response.status_code == 200: if response: response_json = json.loads(response.text) if 'resultCode' in response_json: if response_json['resultCode'] == 200: if 'fileUrl' in response_json: if response_json['fileUrl']: return [False, response_json['fileUrl']] return ["Unknown Upload Error", False] else: if 'resulMessage' in response_json: return [response_json['resultMessage'], False] else: return ['Unknown Error', False] else: return ["Invalid Response", False] else: return ["Bad Response", False] else: return ['Bad Response: ' + str(response.status_code) + ' status code', False] except Exception as e: return [e.args[0], False]